You've probably seen lots of images of London and Paris and Venice, but here are some of Finland in the winter. We taken several trips there over the years, and always had a great time.
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A lovely Husky - these dogs are full of energy, and are extremely noisy until they start to run. Then they are completely quiet.
A ski path through the trees. This was taken near Helsinki on Christmas Day 2012, a perfect white Christmas.
Elves are everywhere in Scandinavia. I found this very cute one sitting on a Christmas wreath.
Here are the dogs all harnessed up for a sled ride. Although they are sitting here, often they are so excited to get going that sleds are ALWAYS tied to a tree or anchored in the snow with a big metal spike.
See how the snow sits on houses ... just like giant slabs of pavlova!
Once you start walking through a forest like this, it's very easy to get lost.